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Hanna Mäkinen



The Finnish Centre for Pensions seconded me to TELA as a mathematician for a six-month stint in 2019, but in the end my stay became permanent. I had spent 16 years as a mathematician at the Finnish Centre for Pensions, so it may well have been time for a new twist on the wonderful earnings-related pension sector. I have a Master of Arts Degree in actuarial and financial mathematics. In addition, I’ve passed the SHV examination (Actuary approved by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health).


  • Calculation of technical provisions and solvency in the earnings-related pension sector
  • Secretary to the Board of Directors

Working groups

  • Advisory Committee for Calculation Criteria Affairs

Ask me

  • About financing of earnings-related pensions

The pension system is like the Barbapapas — cooperation and suitable transformations help to solve even the most difficult problems.

Hanna Mäkinen, Mathematician

In my spare time:

I run and play badminton. I’m a sunny-weather golfer, an occasional orienteerer, a warm-water diver and a long-slope skier. I enjoy travel and good food. Family is the best <3

Comments by workmates:

“Hanna is a careful and precise numbers cruncher, amazingly good with data and everything else. She handles work tasks with a determined and reliable approach. Hanna is a sunny, social and positive co-worker with an awesome sense of humour! She is pleasant company and brings good team spirit to the office.”